Every year in the summer a ritual takes place. All the winemakers families are invited to Magnificat at Cassano Belbo to celebrate the year that is ending and exchange wishes for a good harvest. The event is eagerly anticipated and welcomes a large affluence of people looking to share. In 2014 the celebration was made unforgettable because it was both the 20th anniversary of the Festa, and because it marked the last presence of Laura Martini, Gianni’s beloved mother.
Registered office: Via Borgonuovo 10 - 20121 Milano
Cellars In: Cossano Belbo (Cn) - Loc.San Bovo Via statale 26 - Tel: +39 0141 837211 / Gavi (Al) - Loc. Lomellina 2 / Neive (Cn) - C.so Giolitti 51
n. Companies Register Cn / Cod.Fisc. / VAT Number: 00164810046 - Fully paid-up share capital: 12.977.056,61 - S.U. - REA: MI 1955533 - pec: fratelli.martini@legalmail.it
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