Wine is life, conviviality and love. Wine tells stories, it creates them and sees them evolve. Wine has a soul, and is a precious good. Italian wine stands for excellence, and the entire world envies us for it. The Martini family is well aware of the power that the nectar of the gods possesses, and for almost 70 years has worked with great passion so that anyone, wherever in the world they may be, may indulge in the unique experience of a great glass of wine.
Registered office: Via Borgonuovo 10 - 20121 Milano
Cellars In: Cossano Belbo (Cn) - Loc.San Bovo Via statale 26 - Tel: +39 0141 837211 / Gavi (Al) - Loc. Lomellina 2 / Neive (Cn) - Giolitti 51
n. Companies Register Cn / Cod.Fisc. / VAT Number: 00164810046 - Fully paid-up share capital: 12.977.056,61 - S.U. - REA: MI 1955533 - pec:
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